33 / 12
12th Feb 2016
19th Apr 2016
This is a nationwide on Roshar. To join, tell me your element and coordinates. Thanks to Avi for making the map and helping with the spreadsheet!
nationwide roshar


  • Avi_
    31st Mar 2016
    @Jackx I've put in orders before that I've had to cut up into multiple comments because they're so long.
  • Lebothegizebo
    31st Mar 2016
    i research all im alowed to, and build a town and i expand in all directions
  • TheLongGuy
    31st Mar 2016
    see more down I say: "I research stone tools, knapping, hunting, canoes, tents, and traps."
  • Windspren
    31st Mar 2016
    And this is relevant because...?
  • JackX
    31st Mar 2016
    he couldn't actually make it any longer
  • JackX
    31st Mar 2016
    Yeah, The problem is using boyl as a proppelant is a variable pressure gas, i.e. its pressure is always fluctuating, however the reactor needs a constant pressure level to ensure that A: to maintain steam to generate electricity and B: To keep the reactor cool to prevent a meltdown. The advantage of using boyl as a proppelant is pretty much the only gas in the powder toy that behaves like a super-heated gas. i.e. it expands based on temperature and the higher the temperature the more it expands
  • JackX
    31st Mar 2016
    This is the longest comment i have ever seen: ReconXPanzer -
  • JackX
    31st Mar 2016
    I concrentrate expansion north up the river, but go south and east aswell, just not as much
  • JackX
    31st Mar 2016
    AJKF could you not take over the river to the east please? That is mine...
  • JackX
    31st Mar 2016
    i dont like how people think this is bad