14th Feb 2016
17th Sep 2016
The point of this game is to attack cargo ships and gain as much land as possible. (Build a pirate empire!) There are even secret hidden treasures around the islands that you can find!
SB destroys the last of TheLongGuy's ships and moves in to re-enforce Were, losing only 1 ship. SB lands north of Were's landing site.
Kevino, then why did you leave? I can't have dead space. Or where you planning to come back?
Thanks. I will let you have all the treasure.
I start looting his base and sending the treasure I get back to my ships. SB is allowed to have whatever percentage of the treasure he wants.
Fatboy, I clearly stated that I don't want anyone getting my stuff.
SB's ships encounter TheLongGuy's ships on there way to his base and open fire, sinking 2 of his ships. Were has landed at TheLongGuy's base and is fighting hard.
I will assist ScienceBoy in his attack on TheLongGuy.
I send all my fleets to attack TheLongGuy.
@AtomicKid, @M3MGGL, what about attacking @TheLongGuy?)