14th Feb 2016
17th Sep 2016
The point of this game is to attack cargo ships and gain as much land as possible. (Build a pirate empire!) There are even secret hidden treasures around the islands that you can find!
if longguy is coming to attack me i drop 2 mines in front of his ships. if not i'm dropping them in front of my new fort. And i build a fort and expand more to south (to scienceboys teritory)
Kerbal Body V2 not ?
hey fatboy2
Kevino has sunk 3 of Gelix's ships in total and Gelix is fleeing back to his home base. TLG (TheLongGuy's) ships have reached Flubbs bay and are engaging M3mggl. Handicraftsman, due to people accusing me of being unfair, I will give you the navy's land.
Kevino, all conflicts with the navy are decided via randomiser.
I build a minesweeper.
i build a minesweeper and place mines zrounds small red colony on big island
And I outnumber the ships attacking me 2 to 1, so I should be winning a lot, especially because of all my forts, which you conviniently forgot to add while you are attacking me.
Fatboy, adding yourself to the game is really unfair because you will just make yourself win all the time. Also, my attack on Gelix was not unprovoked. He was attacking Flubbs, who I allied a while ago.
Boomy treasures at X:322 Y:328