14th Feb 2016
17th Sep 2016
The point of this game is to attack cargo ships and gain as much land as possible. (Build a pirate empire!) There are even secret hidden treasures around the islands that you can find!
* sends ally request to Gelix
* spawns at X:195 Y:119 and starts building fort
Flubbs has taken all of Gelix's outpost. However, M3mggl has taken a fort in Flubb's land is threatening his capital. The navy has taken Kevino's outpost fort and sends three ships to help Gelix.
I want a ship and a fort
@Kevino, I would rather not if that is okay.
i ask atomic kid to help me with flubbs and build a ship and expand to the east
ScienceBoy, want to help me defend Flubbs as soon as I crush Gelix's fleet?
I ally with AtomicKid!
Sure. .
I build another ship. Kevino, I attacked you because I am Gelix's friend. However, I realize now that Gelix was attacking Flubbs. Can we just pretend that never happened? XD