14th Feb 2016
17th Sep 2016
The point of this game is to attack cargo ships and gain as much land as possible. (Build a pirate empire!) There are even secret hidden treasures around the islands that you can find!
I stop attacking M3mggl. I pull my alliance with Kevino, and help Gelix attack him.
Instead of returning to my base I attack kevino's completely un-guarded base. I ask the navy for help (since I have never commited an act of piracy)!
I accept M3mggl's alliance. I also give Gelix permission to pass through the straits.
Instead I will attack M3mggl's base by land and sea.
Just joking! I will not attack Kevino's base.
I attack Kevino's unguarded base without warning.
I ask atomickid for permission to pass throug his straits.
Despite Kevino's harrassing, M3mggl's troops continue to advance. However, Gelix's troops are now left without naval support and begin to fall back. In order for Gelix's ships to get back to his base they must either get permission to from AtomicKid to pass through the straits or go around the long way. If Gelix sends his ships around the long way they might not reach his base in time.
also i ask atomickid if he wants to allay with me
annnd i defend flubbers or sth i give hals of the lands with fort to gelix