14th Feb 2016
17th Sep 2016
The point of this game is to attack cargo ships and gain as much land as possible. (Build a pirate empire!) There are even secret hidden treasures around the islands that you can find!
You can continue attacking Flubbs now that kevino has stopped defending him.
is there anyone i can attack without being imidiatelly attacked by kevino and/or scienceboy? xD
I stop attacking m3mggl.
Kevino, ScienceBoy paid you the money and you got a extra ship but since I have no way to represent money in this PW the instant fort represents the money. M3mggl, it takes one day to build a fort, so you have your fort today. Flubbs fort will be complete tomorrow.
and you know, i build all things and expand south (my yesterdays fort please) sorry for much spam ;p
i back off my all ships to fight off kevinos attacking fleet
@flubber i saw you didn't have much army any you werent so active wchich made me came to conclusion - free land xD
#Scienceboy you can call me Kishin or so. Also i won't attack flubbers if he is your allay
I attack m3mgg whatever and sandwich his ships between Flubbers. Flubber, wanna ally?
Woah! what did I ever do to you? (I build everything I'm permitted to build)