14th Feb 2016
17th Sep 2016
The point of this game is to attack cargo ships and gain as much land as possible. (Build a pirate empire!) There are even secret hidden treasures around the islands that you can find!
so whenyou are back - another ship and fort on new colony. also expansion south on main island
I build another ship (can I make this happen automatically?)
I build another ship.
Kevino's mines sink all but three of the approaching ships. Also, IMPORTANT NOTICE: I will be gone for 2 weeks starting tomorrow. This pirate wide will be paused until I get back.
i build one ship and send 3 of mine current fleet to take over last free spot on this lil island on the left
New rule: you can only ally with someone during a war or canflict. Once the war ends so does your alliance.
I accept Kevino's request for allegiance
I dump a bunch of mines (barrels of gunpowder with an ignitor) in front of the approaching fleet.
I send ally requests to everyone.
Fair enough, I build everything it is in my power to build