13 / 1
17th Feb 2016
7th Apr 2016
This is NOW OPEN. TO join give me a job and color. (i.e. medic, security, scientist, and eingineer.) (You may come up with your own.
sbnationwide nationwide phantomdesigners


  • ScienceBoy
    21st Mar 2016
    I ask Vondaniel whether I can use the exosuit as well.
  • Vondaniel
    21st Mar 2016
    i start to sleep in the exosuit
  • Gelix
    21st Mar 2016
    kevino gets annoyed and smashes it... when you lay in your bed you find thumb tacks in the sheets...
  • Vondaniel
    21st Mar 2016
    in my spare time, i create a device that sneaks up on Kevino36 and smacks him at random intervals.
  • Vondaniel
    21st Mar 2016
    I begin work on an exosuit for more detailed work on the exterior of the station, and can be transported via shuttlecraft to nearby locations.
  • Gelix
    21st Mar 2016
    I imagine the year is 2025...
  • Gelix
    21st Mar 2016
    Pretty much anything you would find on a real space station.. The tech level is a bit more advanced than today. There are 3d printers onboard. there are spare rocket motors, computer, scrap metal, and other spare stuff..
  • Vondaniel
    21st Mar 2016
    hmm, i have a question for Gelix. What all do i have to work with, and to what extent can i modify or append to the station? what do we have on the station right now? Maybe a save that has a list of all current services/technologies and their current status?
  • Vondaniel
    21st Mar 2016
    I also slap Kevino36.
  • Vondaniel
    21st Mar 2016
    are we able to pull things from other saves? if so, i have a containment unit the science lab could use to keep more dangerous materials...contained.