13 / 1
17th Feb 2016
7th Apr 2016
This is NOW OPEN. TO join give me a job and color. (i.e. medic, security, scientist, and eingineer.) (You may come up with your own.
sbnationwide nationwide phantomdesigners


  • 49796346
    18th Mar 2016
    Sorry for not playing this for a while. Anyways, what am I supposed to do?
  • Windspren
    18th Mar 2016
    Cesium is also highly reactive. Eating pure cesium would cause you to explode.
  • Gelix
    17th Mar 2016
    I reset the game again.... Now please be nice kevino!
  • Vondaniel
    17th Mar 2016
    Gelix, you are the "dungeon master" so to speak, what is going on at the moment? What suggestions have you taken as will happen, what will not happen?
  • Vondaniel
    17th Mar 2016
    You might also experience acute radiation syndrome, which includes such effects as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, coma, and even death.
  • Vondaniel
    17th Mar 2016
    Cesium is like potassium; it enters cells and helps to maintain a balance of electrical charges between the inside and the outside of cells so that cells can perform tasks that depend on those electrical charges. Cells like muscle cells and nerve cells require changing electrical charges in order to function properly and allow you to think and move.
  • Windspren
    16th Mar 2016
    I eat the cesium.
  • TotallyPro
    16th Mar 2016
    why havn't we put handcuffs and chains on kevin?
  • Gelix
    16th Mar 2016
    Soon kevino recovers from the stroke.....
  • Vondaniel
    16th Mar 2016
    i also create a squad of 4 robotic security gaurds controlled via the stations AI. they are hardwired to first obay anyone with top level security clearence, to not harm innocents, and lastly self preservation. this priority should keep them from rebeling and keep them doing their jobs without causing problems.