17th Feb 2016
7th Apr 2016
This is NOW OPEN. TO join give me a job and color. (i.e. medic, security, scientist, and eingineer.) (You may come up with your own.
I ask an eng to make a robot that can help with security.
do we have any syringes?
still think kevin should be sent back to earth
yeah, there are two kevino's...just what we need
Why am I not in the station?
however...if he were to keep them in the mixed ratios and incinerate himself next to the oxygen container...
he thinks that the oxygen in his body is plentiful enough to go all terrorist on us, but he's sadly mistaken.
that would be suicide!
For... Uhh... Reasons that don't include using the chemicals to make pure sodium and then eating it.
so why do you want them?