Neshorish-esc creatures appear on many other galaxies as well, Perhapse the collapse of the dreii was caused by some sort of plague, that converted most everything into neshorish.
They have a striking resembalence to the neshorish, and seem to have came from the same orgin, Perhapse when the dreii collapsed, the ships that went to a new galaxy to create a new race were all malfunctioning; The tacterians assume the reson these guys are doing so much better than the ones at metacalp is because they landed on a habitable planet, and immedietly started expanding and mineing asteroids, Perhapse more tech survived on the spaceships that arrived.
Right as they begin entering the galaxys boarders, they are met with some nasty defence probes from unknown orgin. The tacterians didn't need to do anything because they had already develeped good relationships.