This is similar to Bunkerwide, but it's on Mars. Try to survive and build a succesful colony on the hostile environment of Mars!
well right now we cant assume
I feel like this alien might have been a fugitive.
i ask the AI why it doesnt want to go with the aliens
so, do we like use wifi or send up aa hardrive? i heard the internet isn't good on mars
It says to give it the AI or else, no questions asked. The AI asks you to please not give it up.
why does it want the AI?
Yikes! I tell them that we will comply.
The aliens demand that you give the AI to them, or face the destruction of your home planet.
so basically what weretyu777 said
well i talk to the alien in our computer to tell those other aliens that he isnt and that his dhip was blown out of the sky and so he got in our computer for his own survival