This is similar to Bunkerwide, but it's on Mars. Try to survive and build a succesful colony on the hostile environment of Mars!
I find a spare drone and link it to the alien AI. I equip the drone with a complete dictionary of the English, Spanish, French, and German languages so that he can speak directly to us.
:I so your thinking of what destroyed it kevino? didnt expect the question? what is it a fugitive running from a alien empire shot it right out of the space?
we must destroy "something..."
and the alien? what destroyed it?
Boom is rebuilt into an OP cyborg thing.
we can rebuild him, we have the technology :D
well its made of a light metaloid that is like carbon fiber so it is bullet resistant aswell
he was burned so i go to the 3d machine a print some fake skin for him would you like that to be armor plated? and i also make it fire proof
Oh good. I open the drone and get boom to the medical lab immediately.