This is similar to Bunkerwide, but it's on Mars. Try to survive and build a succesful colony on the hostile environment of Mars!
After I have finished giving SB first aid I go down to where spare parts are kept for the lander. I then get some decuplers, (explosive devices used to separate stages or de-attach empty fuel tanks). Decuplers can move very fast when fired into empty space and can do severe damage to anything they collide with. I then set them up on the exterior of the dome supports and begin remotely at the enemy lander.
No. You have a few nailguns though.
do i have enough for a sniper rifle?
I move scienceboy to a separate room and begin giving him first aid.
A small army comes out of the landers.
SB, you realize that the pod will take about a year to get here?
My specially is combat and medicine
I go and help SB
Okay, I added you.
Fatboy, I will, but I am really busy with Rosharwide.