This is similar to Bunkerwide, but it's on Mars. Try to survive and build a succesful colony on the hostile environment of Mars!
I flee using the jetpack that has my suit and grab a shotgun and a first aid kit
You could try remotely activating the engines on the SSTO lander. That would probably get their attention.
What color do you want to be? We don't really have classes, as I assume that all astronauts would be trained in basic medicine, engineering, science and piloting, but you can have a specialty.
I call out for help. I tell people over the radio that we need a diversion to distract them.
Well, actually can I join as a medic?
I would like to join as a engineer.
He needs medical attention and you need to do something about the guys attacking you.
I go and rescue SB
Also, your suit is ruined and you are too weak to move out of the Hab.
Correction, all the plants will die. Everyone is in the inner Hab, so they will be fine.