This is similar to Bunkerwide, but it's on Mars. Try to survive and build a succesful colony on the hostile environment of Mars!
You don't have an RPG and I think that Avi is trying to help.
I also continue sealing up the towers and the dome
Anyway, I attatch a RPG to the top of the dome and point it to Avi
Not yet.
I close the airlock. Is the tower-dome thing airtight
When you press the button on the remote, it opens the airlock and the Hab starts to depressurize
ok so i blow up avis baloon >:c and on my way to build hausing i plant new potatoes
BTW, there's a remote in the Hab that will set off the C4 attached to Avi's balloon. You can thank Pro for putting it there.
The potatoes died :( Blame Pro and Avi.
did the potatoes die? D: also i start 3d printing parts of new building since our hab is almost full