This is similar to Bunkerwide, but it's on Mars. Try to survive and build a succesful colony on the hostile environment of Mars!
those crops dont look dead...
Don't tell Avi about the pack of C4 strapped to the basket of his balloon.
And since Pro and Avi broke the greenhouses and killed all the crops, you can't grow any more food.
...everyone but avi is inside the complex leaving avi (sychopath/murderer) to do whatever he wants in his blimp... not the best of ideas
You are all very low on food.
Kevino, I 3d print a new sword. this one will be better in every way. I also place a toroidal hydrogen envelope around the middle of the airship, and put light plastic plating on everything.
They are what brought the materials to build the dome.
what are the buildings to the left?
we shoul have colonists here in no time
and we should on the right finish the dome