The brand new element, ceramic (CRMC) just came out with the V-91.0 update, literally a few minutes ago! Remember to like this to help get the word out!
poodiepie: keeping the WASD shortcuts was difficult due to a change I made, 's' had 3 different uses even (stickman, moving stamps, and saving stamps). The arrow keys have always worked, and are the new intended shortcut. Also if the PC version crashes ... i'm not even sure, that is unfortunate :|. I might apply my crash for to the mac version to windows, it will use less optimization flags. It might fix some random unexplainable crashes.
choruseye: they are properties that always existed, they were just not available to the prop tool / lua. They were supposed to only be used for GLAS and QRTZ to make them break during large pressure changes, but they are sort of used for other elements too now, like PIPE, STOR, and VIRS. I figured I should allow them to be set from lua because of VIRS.
jacob1: No, I'm PC all the way. And on that subject I've never had a crash on the mac (Exept when I used cheat engine to set all values to 2). But I also discovered that you can't move stamps with WASD anymore, and that really peaved me during precision building.
jacob1: I know your reading, your the top commenter right before me, and i have quession, what are the new properties? PAVG 0 and PAVG 1? I am very curious.
reubencpiplupyay: it should just ask you to update when you first start the game (wait like 20 seconds for it to do the update check). But note that 91.0 has been reported to be broken on OS X.
BTW, I am using Mac OSX Yosemite
How do I update TPT?
It is also destroyed by vacuum, it turns into clst.
Its melting point increases 10C every 1 Pressure.
I'm not adding BALL as is to TPT, it's super glitchy. And then people would bug me to fix it just like STKM >: poodiepie: hmm, are you using a mac? People are reporting that the mac version crashes. I gave some links to some things to maybe test on the forums (find the thread, if you can test it that would make me happy :D). If none of the tests work, i'm fairly certain my mod should still work on OS X.