The Milky Way is the home galaxy of the United Free Worlds, also known as the United Worlds. At over 100,000 lightyears across, the Milky Way is a spiral galaxy with over 200 billion stars. Hover over signs to see star location. Accepting join requests!
Okay, I'll do that next.
@msasterisk Yeah, the Western Hemisphere would be better so I can put the various cities I'm making at their actual locations.
Yeah, but at this point in Earth's history, we have SSTO ships with ridiculous amounts of Delta-V.
The capital should probably be somewhere on the equator, equatorial cities have some advantages when it comes to space travel.
Could you maybe make an Earth save and a Mars save?
I'll just add it to the Virgo Cluster.
Also, can you make a link to the Starry Skies galaxy? There's a lot of stuff there that's being ignored.
Ah okay. Just an Earth city then. :)
I was going to make NYC the capital of the UW, complete with the Statue of Liberty.