The Milky Way is the home galaxy of the United Free Worlds, also known as the United Worlds. At over 100,000 lightyears across, the Milky Way is a spiral galaxy with over 200 billion stars. Hover over signs to see star location. Accepting join requests!
The UW accepts the alliance.
The E.U.P. send a message stating "We are the Empirial Union of Peace. We mean you no harm, and hope that we could form an alliance that will benefit each other in many ways."
ok then
(It's that little dot of TTAN in the solar system save)
The now super advanced E.U.P. sends scouts ships to other galaxies, including this one.
Project Highstorm is in a perpetual state of WIP, especially since I'm going to layer LIFE and blue VIBR for the armor.
I might do the western hemisphere, although it's more likely that I'll do one with a better view of the prime meridian (and thus, Europe and Africa). As for the martian city, sure.
Also, do you want to add the Martian City to the Mars save?
Are you still making the Western Hemisphere of Earth?