Deco and rename "etch-a-sketch"
I have updated it so that it does not erase what you made. I also added a indicator light in 2 place to tell when the print head is on......
Can you add a erase feature?
Oh, and a simple fix for the erase issue. Use METL to spark your CRAY. CRAY can be sparked by pretty much everything. PSCN, INWR, INST have special effects. PSCN will alternately make and erase, INST and INWR will make through other stuff, INWR and CRAY(SPRK) will transmit SPRK over distance. PSCN and CRAY(SPRK) will erase everything except FILT, DMND and walls.
you are standing at the beginning of a road my friend. I stand way down that road watching you, waiting to see if I will have some company.
I think if it is auto,system will better.
Nice, i know this is WIP but just tellin that when i'm drawing across a line/printing it erases it. fix it if can 1+