@Doughnut (You never think you will say this) Ambent heat might help with that.
Darn the coment is gone now what was the save ID?
@SK9R please do not advertise in saves ive seen that message on all the fp saves so far... But on another topic great save only problem is the powerplant melts the island above after an amount of time (i just had so much fun from it lol) but apart from that really good save +1
Yeah great job, y'all caught him modifying his own save. Gosh, what blatant copying...if you see something, and vaguely recognize, don't immediately cry "copied!". Find proof...ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?
I dont think this is copyed i looked in his past saves and it was his
jk jk i dont encourage ciping
good artists borrow great artist steal