Colors are for the winners of each state, red is Clinton, while blue is Sanders.
Gawker says "Donald and Clinton wins Washington State Primaries" >inb4 Washingtons Democratic primaries was in March and Bernie won in a landslide (74 delegates out of 100)
which these states are Sanders territory
And Sanders basically needs to win 63-64% of the remaining delegates, and he'll have more than her+ the superdelegates will be swinging over to him
Clinton needs to win 90% of the delegates remaining to get the 2383 without superdelegates. Therefore she must count on the 7-8 hundred superdelegates to cast her in.
I think that the idea is that the person(s) who runs the media company have some political alignment, and that that will influence what content is produced. Or the actual producers of the content will have some political alignment that will influence the content that is produced.
Biased? how?
ya'll are blinded by bias media.
Hopefully, we come to our senses and actually vote for Sanders. He's the one man that deserves to be president, unlike Hillary or Trump.
Welp, trumpy is now the republican nominee for president.
thank god indiana (home state), went sanders he is the least likely to cause alot of damage to america if he;s elected, also i cant belive this donald trump joke has gone this far, do people realise he could actually be president, thats a TERRIBLE idea.