94 / 15
5th Apr 2016
23rd Apr 2016
Man's best friend comes to tpt! Feed him water and broken coal (I know, I know) feed by placing the food right in front of his mouth. There are some bugs, like sometimes the converter for the stomach acid breaks. Also, his name is Ulrich.
realistic hound life doggy lifeform living doge cthulu4pres organism mutt


  • Jonas123
    6th Apr 2016
    "--Man's Best friend-- Comes to tpt!" ..... *thinks of dog harming people, ripping hands off and killing others animals* yeah
  • wipyman
    6th Apr 2016
    We're friends now, how about that? XD
  • techyman305
    6th Apr 2016
    *sigh of relief*
  • wipyman
    6th Apr 2016
    I'll head across.
  • wipyman
    6th Apr 2016
    Pardon? That was the first definition, I then did as you advised I do, 'Google' the term, in doing so I noted your defintion requiring jealously over 'lack of skill' was also incorrect and corrected you. You then proceeded to use one of the definitions I supplied, from a widely used dictionary. It seems you're empathising too much with your SJW powers and have suddenly inhabited my mind.
  • Windspren
    6th Apr 2016
    Yeah, I was just responding. I am now in the "Save of Hate" (catchy name) and am awaiting Wipyman.
  • techyman305
    6th Apr 2016
    I urge you to refer to my last comment.
  • Windspren
    6th Apr 2016
    The definitions I gave were from a dictionary, while you just combined the definition of the word "hate" and the suffix "er," which doesn't match the widely accepted definition of "hater"
  • Windspren
    6th Apr 2016
    I'm pretty sure that it doesn't have that great of an effect on your short-term memory, but I don't smoke, so that's irrelevant.
  • wipyman
    6th Apr 2016
    What're you on about? That's what you did, you made a subjective definition of the word 'hater', whilst I gave examples literally quoted from a widely used dictionary. I think of that uppist legalised marijuana are effecting your hippocampal neurogenesis.