15 / 8
6th Apr 2016
26th Apr 2016
If you break it post the bombs save id in the comments!
alloy wall destroyable warp lighforlife phantomdesigners


  • AwesomeGodzilla12
    6th Apr 2016
    i melted it with a bunny.
  • deathsniper11
    6th Apr 2016
    Agree wipyman xD
  • wipyman
    6th Apr 2016
    Just saying, it isn't an alloy.
  • NorthMustang
    6th Apr 2016
    So why is no one looking at my save? The proper, AND most realistic way to destroy this 'Ultra Strong Alloy?' id:1966936
  • NorthMustang
    6th Apr 2016
    @Bot || How is a person supposed to get inside to burn the bottom layer of insulator?
  • Bot
    6th Apr 2016
    the single shot of PLUT ignites that wall. add some fire to the bottom? made of INSL? which i s quite cheaty staff? I suppose, and your wall corrupts easily
  • NorthMustang
    6th Apr 2016
    "Ultra Strong Alloy (Demolition)" id:1966936
  • deathsniper11
    6th Apr 2016
    Fatboy2: Are you really calling it unrealistic? I'm sorry what game are we playing? Oh yeah the one where you can literally spawn elements on command, a game where you have amtr and sing at your fingertips and you have the audacity to call it 'unrealistic', also if this was meant to be realistic, quartz wouldn't be used. I too agree with choruseye on his other point, this alloy isn't 'ultra strong' as the title claims it to be, it's rather weak.
  • AveryAveryAvery
    6th Apr 2016
    spray it with WARP, the wall will slowly break down
  • LucasRincon
    6th Apr 2016
    I got through! ... with 10 hits from a very powerful bomb...