21 / 9
21st Apr 2016
1st Dec 2016
give it a minute, can you explain why it does that? (also i sugest persistant display: 3)
probabilities distribution gaussian random water chance fall


  • gaysanta
    22nd Apr 2016
    In function form (If I remember correctly): f(x) = ae - {(x - b) ^ 2} / 2c^2
  • Ryan_Cotter
    22nd Apr 2016
    gausian distribution
  • pikachu1337
    22nd Apr 2016
    It's because the starting point of the water isn't random. If you flip a coin a bunch of times, the odds are much more in the favor of a spread of heads and tails than anything else. And since a spread gets a result close to the starting point instead of a truly random number, the closer you are to the start, the more likely you are for water to fall on you.
  • lshh
    22nd Apr 2016
    in theory, this should make a bell curve, because there are more ways that water can get to the middle than to the end. Whilst water can go left/right/left/right and so on a massive amount of times to get to the middle, it must always go t the left or right. Pretty much, there is a 1/2 chance of going left, and the same with right. The middle just has more chance than the ends.
  • The8BitPotato
    22nd Apr 2016
    It happens because science.
  • urimegaconnor
    21st Apr 2016
    The water is actually using a probability in which either it goes to the left, or to the right. If you do this in real life its impossible becuase the drop would split though.
  • badaboom
    21st Apr 2016
    I believe that this is a form of a gaussian distribution. It is similar to save 882.
  • atomic2385
    21st Apr 2016
    actually i lied. while this is a normal distribution it is a discrete normal distribution, which means that the probabilities are different to a continuous normal distribution.
  • ivel236
    21st Apr 2016
    You can think of it like flipping a coin. Most of the time you will get 50% heads and 50% tails. Though occasionally you might get 10 heads in a row. And very rarely you might get 50 heads in a row.
  • GH1
    21st Apr 2016
    they are. im just retarded lel