A collection of buildings from Washington DC. From left to right: US Capitol, Washington Monument, Lincon Memorial, Supreme Court, Random building, White House, Holocaust Museum, Random 2 buildings, Potomac river, Pentagon. Buildings not to scale
The left wing said they would abolish poverty, the right wing said they would abolish beuracracy, Odin said he would abolish ice giants. Where are the ice giants? Vote Odin.
heh, lightning bombs are small time. Use a bomb +dmg combo with breakable clone.
Random building XD
Very nice!
I been there 4 weeks ago :P
incredibly powerful*
Or even better, I could use the incredibly lighting nuke I made that is far stronger than any deut nuke I have seen.
1) Find a deut bomb from another save. 2) Make a stamp of it 3) Bring it to this map 4) Ignite 5) Feel like a bad*** terrorist.
I forgot to add Jefferson Memorial between the random two buildings and the Potomac. Whoops!