See if you can make it meltdown
The pumps are supposed to be set to zero, its so the pressure equalizers and doesn't tern into a vacuum.
th pumps to lower the pressure aren't set, they're at 0 degrees.
First you must spark start fill, once the reaction chamber is full, spark stop fill, then press start reactor.
If you want the reaction to last longer press rigid on.
Make sure heat is on and a genorator is online. I will put instructions on the thread.
easy to destroy, not all is safe you a have failed to pass the inspection so we must close this nuclear power plant
ROFIS is a mecanism for letting fuel be inserted while the reactor is active, if you had The reactors main fill on while the reactor was starting, it would go into meltdown. :)
Reactor. On-line. Fuel. Injection. System. ROFIS
After the reactor has used all of its fuel for one burn, pressure is left, and that stops you from being able to put more fuel in, also it could blow the cap of and turn it into stone if reactor pressure is not lowerd
brilliant power station, i'm confused with a few of the signs mainly the buttons around the 'lower reactor pressure' sign