The PHWR reactors (pressurized heavy water reactors), the latter currently considered as standard. Use as a moderator and heat transfer, heavy water as coolant, ordinary water (light water). As fuel, use Uranium enriched, with 3% to 5% U-235.
Thanks for the comment, RussianMan.
Wow this is amazing. What's most impressive to me are the little graph animations you made with the pulsing glow of EXOT without the use of separate material borders. Just shows how much work and dedication you put into this, and it paid off. +1
Very good, but needs a scram feature. (Pulls the fuel rods out of the duet and brings cooling to max.)
no meltdown button +1
Thanks for the "brilliant", JackX, and to show the grammatical error, it will be fixed. And when I refer to "light water" is only in comparison with the heavy water, which also is a widely used term in the case of reactors, such as the LWR type - Light Water Reactors. :)
Thank Sandwichlizard, is an honor to receive your comments, since you are one of the best, if not the best in TPT. I appreciate their work, iclusive use some ideas from you my simulations. You are truly an example.
Also normal water is not called light water, it's just called water
Brilliant, however there is a grammar mistake: "Controls" instead of "Control's" Adding an apostrophe simbolises ownership, and i don't care wether on not i can spell apostrophe, but still, +1
WOW! Beautiful work. Nice control panel. The built in city zoom view is a nice touch. I like the scale, my lizard men are the same size as your people. In New England we would say "This thing is wicked" which means its really good. I know, its wierd. keep it up. +1
EPIC work +10