Try to get from the green square to the blue square without touching the red! Yellow Squares are checkpoints! You must always be placing a solid wenever you move. If the screen glows red, you lose. Good luck! :D
@UpsidedownWolves, that's what she said. Or perhaps he..? SHEMALES!
Would you guys be interested in a level 2? I can make it harder and longer :D
I... I made it to Fp?
@00yoshi, no you just make it harder for you to know if you lose. The screen glow mechanic is still there but it's your fault if you don't see it
The screen doesn't glow red when going through the sensor whilst you're not on fire view, so is it allowed to cross the red walls in for example pressure view (2)?
shift+click is your friend!
Thats a torture chamber! Add some timer and a bomb
LOL if you do this with METL, you can go through the walls without makeing it glow red. try bashing the brush into the wall with METL to check it out!
WOW +1
To have a good game. 1. turn off gravity and pressure. (to turn off gravity press w and to turn off pressure press the tick and select air sim) 2. select an element. e.g BIZR. enjoy your game!