109 / 22
10th Jun 2016
15th Jun 2016
Also see 2001866 by PixelCube!
notimmune eojioj iuseddest bunker bomb alloy dest resistant superresistant workswell


  • theb0mb
    11th Jun 2016
    I destroyed it with DEST by using large amounts in one go
    11th Jun 2016
    @Sandwichlizard I tested a bunch of materials and the only thing that can kinda beat this is an enclosed bowl of gel. But it leaks easily so this is much better. The thing I notice about dest is it goes through solids easily, so this alloy is as good at stopping dest as a fluid/gas is but it's basically solid.
  • Sandwichlizard
    11th Jun 2016
    it is more resistant than an equivalent block of CRMC by itself. if that is true for the other materials then the alloy would be a success. can someone try?
  • dyaomaster
    11th Jun 2016
    I'd like to point out that this doesn't actually work by being resistant to DEST. It is more of a "self-repairing mat" style, and basically quickly replaces the destroyed section with more wall.
  • Sandwichlizard
    11th Jun 2016
    This IS DEST resistant. It resists, not impervious, immune, proof or otherwise impermeable. Works exactly as advertised. The word "resistant" is completely accurate.
  • TheExplosionTeam
    11th Jun 2016
    Why? It aint DEST-proof because you can still penetrate the wall after about 7 waves of DEST.
  • tehkewrier
    11th Jun 2016
    don't use the word "resistant" here
  • optimus2006
    11th Jun 2016
    Here, the damge the little dest do: id:2000439
  • optimus2006
    11th Jun 2016
    I destoryed it with a LITTLE dest.
  • optimus2006
    11th Jun 2016
    Hey, sauronvardor, TNT is a freaken' noob hear, who can only break wood, ice and other weak objects, and it doesn't even scrach METL.