This is the most accurate model of the Russian RBMK-1000 nuclear reactor. Manual/auto controls. Destructable. v1.2 Changelog: -Added SCRAM button -AUTO logic improved
Use SPRK to click the buttons.
Where can i download and test these simulators?
How do you click the buttons?
Actually no, I know most of this from INSAG-7 and INSAG-1, two reports made by the IAEA's Nuclear Safety Group. I am a bit of a Chernobyl freak in terms of how much I like to learn about it. But hey, nothing wrong with that.
i molt it!!!
Do you know this by RXMODEL?
Also, AZ-5 was not used to bring about an abrupt emergency stop. The designers at the Kurchatov institute thought that it could be detrimental to the Soviet energy grid, so they didn't use dedicated emergency motors, but just the normal servos for the manual control rods.
Kyru, imagine this was at a REAL power station. 2 AZ-5 buttons would be for 2 reactors, not one. Normally they'd shut it down by slowly decreasing power to 0MW to shut down, not trip AZ-5. AZ-5 trips would have been sent to the UkSSR's Ministry of Energy and Electrification, who would start an unnecessary investigation.
Kyru, the second shutdown button is only if it is two reactors. One reactor = one SCRAM.
please made a version with the second shutdown button so it can stop the meltdown