A display of the things most people inmagine when the hear 'Germany'. Maybe you can create something similar with your own homecountry.
Bundeswehr und Die Bundeskanzlerin
Sauerkrautler xD
autobahnen ohne geschwindikeitsbegrenzung und Lederhosen. idk how do u write this in english :(
the Brandenburger Tor i think its cool :)
Stupid Natzi-Flanders!
stpid natzis :L
@ultrajenale: You're right. I will add Kartoffeln and Sauerkraut soon. ;-)
@poodiepie: Yeah, but i think the swiss are more famous for clock-making
@HapyMetal you shall add potatoes you know cuz ppl call us Deutsche Kartoffel ...
Too bad nazis is a thing... But I heard germans are good clock makers.