I'm proud to publish my first calculator. Its binary calc. For now working only single digits.
meh one off
I'm not sure what you did, but it stopped working.
Yeah, sorry, in my head those are both called bin->dec converters. (Well, what you built I call an addresser or, since yesterday, a demuxer.)
@LPB Hacker (Edit:) Oh, yeah now I understand, a circuit that has no limits, that processes the information and converts.
@LBP Hacker what's wrong with my bin>dec? It isnt just a table, its working converter.
Well, the input buffer and the core are scalable (although you can get away with a single core, as you do now). The output though ... you'd need a proper bin->dec converter, not just a single lookup table. One that actually subtracts powers of 10. Or a "double dabble" circuit (google it). *And* lookup tables after those.
first version was completly from my head this one is with little bit inspiration from google. Its slow but it hasnt any limitations of any large number - this limits only memory and space sadly. Now...How to make more digit? Any ideas?
Aww derp. OR gates don't need WWLD. Alright, got it.
*haven't tested it yet* Holy mother of all full adders, how did you manage to build a core with only 4 gates?