Anything but display 8.
Anything but 6,8,9 or shift+1 you mean :P
this was not inspired by any other saves
Is this inspired by another save? I remember this...
Not only does it create a cool effect, it emits pressure waves. .u.
oh thats a long post...
and to get compressed portals i got exactly 100 PRTO, paused, typed in console !set x all 100 and !set y all 100. I then used ehole so it didnt create a black hole. i copied and pasted it multiple times and typed !set life prto 65535. Then it did this. i thought it was post-worthy so i posted it.
read the comment below
how?! (cts)
i was just messing with compressed portals and set life to 65535 and this happened
oh yeah subnautica is cool