A new NW, starting in a medieval era. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qYhUuSCKpeK5ZGQCAWqDVytj7QrIyQn5G-qvkdzq3d4/edit?usp=sharing Opening on 7/23. Whoever can spot the 4 impact craters on the map gets an extra starting province!
The mining operation I started was at the node at X:301 Y:89.
I keep expanding towards the conjundrium node and build a province there city etc etc and I dot that for the one that dosent have a city yet too
Kevin, the Nal coalition is not a combining of our countries, it's more like an alliance.
I expand to the Island in X:124 Y:294 and build a pronvince there
I expand northward and start a mining operation at X:301 Y:89.
I expand another territory to the north, making it my 6th territory.
i build another province on the other island i have land on. i also start teaching literacy to all in my land
I continue expanding into the mountains and build another Province
i send colony ships to ado and i put a subsidy into chemistry
I expand another territory to the north