Abriynus is a rich island world with TONS of resources and land to choose from. To join just say your nation name pick a color, and say where you want your land. I will be playing! AGE TRACKER: Middle Ages
I want to join at X496 Y 294, around that area, color dark red, name Empire of Maskov (or just Maskov)
Emm, or do it Turuschia, sounds better. Colour- dark green :D
Same- X= 70 and Y= 137. Name will be Markarth. (Also I dont entirely understand how we play?)
What are the rules?
Me too :D X:238 Y:75 Name- Turusch
Thats ok, where do you want your nation?
I want to join in X:139 X:160 red,my nation name are: Irutan
Oh no wait,I mainly speak spanish,I uderstand:" Abriynus are a rich island"
Wait,If Abriynus aare a island,What are it?
Oh and where do you want to be?