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18th Jul 2016
19th Jul 2016
Abriynus is a rich island world with TONS of resources and land to choose from. To join just say your nation name pick a color, and say where you want your land. I will be playing! AGE TRACKER: Middle Ages


  • __FabianPL__
    18th Jul 2016
    guys i need gunpowder and Iron, i have some wood so i need iron and gunpowder to make Gunpowder Rifles.
  • __FabianPL__
    18th Jul 2016
    i also Expand to get big portions of land
  • __FabianPL__
    18th Jul 2016
    i Start building Resource Mines to get more Resources.
  • __FabianPL__
    18th Jul 2016
    i accept the Alliance Request and Exchange
  • TomSka
    18th Jul 2016
    I will give 5 iron in exchange for 5 wood
  • TomSka
    18th Jul 2016
    I attempt an alliance with the U.F
  • TomSka
    18th Jul 2016
    Wait ignore that last comment. I begin to build a brdige from the north and south of Ravenhelm, avoiding what i belive is volcanoes in the east?
  • TomSka
    18th Jul 2016
    I begin expandin Ravenhelm by 5 pixels all around (?) I dunno what to do really, I missed quite a bit
  • Patyk98
    18th Jul 2016
    DeeVee, could you make additional resource map too? Geology, forests, fish etc should be useful
  • TheLongGuy
    18th Jul 2016
    And I start to expand to the big island