if you put lrbd or rbdm in the small\medium\large you can hack them stopping the sprk
@Wigglebot. regarding subframe/60hz stuff I would defer to LBPHacker myself.
Sorry for my comment gunpowderTR and everyone else. I will think before I post from now on
@gunpowderTR LBPHacker knows his stuff. I would just trust him if I were you
And why exactly would it be better? I highly doubt anyone would need a subframe interface, and even if it didn't have one but detected particles with a single frame latency nonetheless, the interface could provide samples only every 8 frames anyway. Entirely pointless. Subframe makes sense in computers, animations and probably a bunch of other types of builds we haven't had the chance to see yet. A detector is not one of them.
would be better if it used subframe tech but still +1