6th Mar 2011
11th May 2011
Can somebody help me making Langton's Ant on powder toy? this is my start, the rule is: black, turn left, white, turn right... please react with how your safe is called, i'll search for it and look what I can do with it...
i think its great
no, this is nothing like the ant in powder game. This is a mathematical rule.
i'm sorry if i'm misunderstanding but isn't this kinda like the ant in powder game? I also saw your finished big version it's amazing
Odmar... You're a beast, you know that, right?
awesome work, you did it!
that's a good idea... ill try it...
As in, have the important electronics outside of the cell, and use wifi to transmit the right signals into it.
jah, dat is waar... maar ik kan em nu met wifi waarschijnlijk wel kleiner maken, maar moet dan heel veel verhitten... :(
Jammer dat programmeren niet mogelijk in TPT, dat zou het 1000x makkelijker maken. Misschien een idee voor later...
what do u mean?