132 / 35
9th Nov 2016
29th Jul 2018
approximate spiegation of pythagorean theorem
math simulation potion pythagoreanserum serum trigonometryhehe calculation triangle trig lew


  • TheNik
    13th Nov 2016
    Oh, and I almost forgot to explain the relation with this save: The three squares are a popular visualization when you replace the numbers a^2 and b^2 with squares of the area a^2 and b^2. Their area added up equals to the area of the third square.
  • TheNik
    13th Nov 2016
    This formula proves incredibly useful in many applications of physics, programming, etc., since many things can be modeled as a triangle.
  • TheNik
    13th Nov 2016
    There is a formula, "a^2 + b^2 = c^2". Then you have a triangle with one corner being at a right angle. Now the two shorter sides meet at this corner, and the longest side connect the two shorter ones. The long one is called "Hypotenuse" and the shorter ones "Catheti". In the formula we have, c is the length of the Hypotenuse and a and b are the catheti. You can now calculate c from a and b with "c = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)", and any cathetus with "a = sqrt(c^2 - b^2)".
  • c-miner-2213
    13th Nov 2016
    why is everyone saying hes a genious XD i just dont get maths
  • flyboy59
    13th Nov 2016
    really neat!
  • FocalFlare
    13th Nov 2016
    Did I just say, genious
  • CHEM
    13th Nov 2016
  • jammpark
    13th Nov 2016
    you genious
    12th Nov 2016
    Pythagorean Theorum is a theorum used to determine the hypotenuse (long side) of a right angle triangle. it is the square root of the long side is equal to the square root of the two short sides multiplied. It only works on right angle triangles (any triangle containing a right angle)
  • nickstar
    12th Nov 2016
    wut is this supposed to be exactly