Some of the most explosive substances from Terratrion(Terration? Terratron? i forgot u-u) and Apodra, and a few explosive gases from the gas giants. /!\ WARNING: DO NOT STAND IN A CLOSE RADIUS OF THESE CHEMICALS /!\
*Slips over and drops photons on the blue substance* OH CRA- *Nuclear Explosion*
ok then, how about an extremly expansive gas that appears solid and eplodes into a giant shockwave of plasma that keeps growing and growing? ;D
yeah but i had the same idea
The Xeridide seems to be extremely unrealistic, although it did come from an alien planet. Sorry but i am not pleased yet ); But they are still interesting...
EthbotBotNeko, you dont made it though
hey! you kinda stole my idea, ice that becomes a blackhole!
We recommend more research is needed to investigate the underlying mechanism of the unusual reaction of Xeridide to salt, and also obtain a liquid sample of Enarge as its huge energy density evidenced by its explosion means its liquid form (if any) can be a potentially useful energy source of sort -SecretLabs-
Addign too much salt, however, and the reaction overheats and Xeridide explode as usual. Crystalised Enarge is also more salt melt resistant than other Terration materials, and just a bit too much salt it will heat up and explode.
Since neutrons slow to a halt in ICE and these two materials have an ICE component, they are expected to react to neutrons like ICE does. In addition, it appears via unknown reasons, Xeridide can be safely disarmed into harmless saltwater by just a grain of salt as the saltwater spead like cracks through the material, removing its GRVT,DEST CTYPE in the process