A galaxy of unpresidented size and mass, That somehow manages to stay dim and not go unstable, Currently in the process with collideing with Galfa, This galaxy is already haveing a very rough time keeping itself together for trillions of years.
(A graviton, in this RP, is a particle which travels and the speed of light and ignores gravity, These gravitons carry gravitational energy, If an object appeared out of nowhere you'd have to wait for the gravitons to reach you before you'd feel its gravity)
(this object is labeled with a ??? sign)
12 points are detected around it, Aranged in the shape of the 12 vertices of a Icosahedron, Of wich has very strange graviton pulses detected - Its gravity will go to 10 suns of gravity, than suddenly repel with 10 suns of gravitational force, than back to normal, all within a second.
[ALERT] While exploreing the galaxy, A 10 LightYear diameter sphere has been detected, Of wich all energy can enter, but only Graviton energy can escape. It cannot be a black hole as a 10-LY diameter event horizon black hole would suck the entire galaxy group straight towards it.
Which means this galaxy is absurdly usntable rn
Galfa's gravitational distrubances is however upsetting this balence significantly.
As for the unstable orbits, While yes thats true, These particular ones kinda figure-8 around oneanother almost. Its a possible (but extremely hard to make) gravitational lineup, That causes 3 objects to all go in an 8 shape.
@the_new_powder99999 True, but we're talking about trillions of years... @explosive powder, yeah i've seen that one, but i didn't bother to comment, probably
Galaxies that combine with others can have more than one black hole. It is rarely stable, but galaxies move really slowly, so it will still last a long time.
Lol if you think this is unrealistic go to the galaxy group and check galfa. That thing has like 7 black holes