This had to be said. (repost)
Completely agree. As someone who has been here since Sept of 2011, a lot has changed and it doesnt take much to encourage others to create and invent. Spread the word!
Agreed; I have a very important and, to me, complicated save. It's a metal detector. In this particular save, I've asked for some help, and out of the mere twenty-seven people who've seen it, not one had commented for anything.
I think all games end up like this, or at least most of them... :(
This is great!
I have to agree. tpt used to be inventive and friendly. I want the old times to be back again.
I couldn't agree more. When I found this game, (as I view it) I was amazed by the creativity of everyone. Hell, I even made a save in honor of one of my favorite creators that abandoned this game. Everyone is just getting more toxic now...
I joined a year and a half ago, or so, idk. Well, i got here because of DodgeThemAll. I remember the good times of me being a noobster, and me being semi-intelligent then back to me making crappy saves that are just a result of a lack of ideas and no interesting topics in TPT. WE MUST MAKE TPT GREAT AGAINT!
I joined about 2 years ago when the youtuber NerdCuded Inrtoducted me to this game,I've really enjoyed being part of this community,And i fully support brining back the kind loving family i once knew
So true. I've had TPT for years and watching the attitude between players go down so quickly has almost been horrifing. +1 to make TPT great again
I agree so much i rebembe when this was such a fun game now it is just people hating on others