200 / 6
24th Feb 2017
24th Feb 2017
60Hz zero latency buffered screen, 20(x2)px by 20(x2)px, 16 colors. Connect with any compatible GPU (none exist as of writing) for the best graphical experience.
electronics very electronic 60hz screen subframe color colour display graphics


  • somerandomperson
    24th Feb 2017
    oh my my that is new age stuff
  • Synergy
    24th Feb 2017
    hot damn
  • docRoboRobert
    24th Feb 2017
    This is beautifull. 1+
  • Arkanine
    24th Feb 2017
    its so beautiful. +1
  • mark2222
    24th Feb 2017
    @oldstones I guess you could say that xD. If you have animation data or an interface you'd like to connect it to, I might help you with it. This screen is very general purpose, it can draw any 20px by 20px pattern at (for one colour) 60Hz. Data is transmitted colour by colour, so the actual frame rate depends on the colour count for each animation frame.By the way, if you're interested in the technology itself, "subframe" is the search term :).
  • oldstones
    24th Feb 2017
    mark2222.... So... magic?
  • mark2222
    24th Feb 2017
    @oldstones The screen output is the pixel grid on the bottom left. For the demo, the input is coming from a throwaway VRAM (top left), which feeds the screen 21 random FILTs every frame -- 1 FILT for each column of the screen, 1 FILT to select colour (the 20 FILTs are duplicated in the VRAM for simplicity). One can make a rudimentary animation directly from this setup by editing the throwaway VRAM FILTs, though a graphics driver is preferred (that would take a bit of time to make, though).
  • JamzsMc
    24th Feb 2017
  • oldstones
    24th Feb 2017
    +1 I, for one, have no idea what's going on here. In the simplest of terms, how would an image/animation be produced? How would an input be... inputted? Is there some way you could give an illistration of how this can be manipulated? I don't even know which of the shiny objects is the screen.
  • natstar
    24th Feb 2017
    Got it to FP! Yes!!!