200 / 6
24th Feb 2017
24th Feb 2017
60Hz zero latency buffered screen, 20(x2)px by 20(x2)px, 16 colors. Connect with any compatible GPU (none exist as of writing) for the best graphical experience.
electronics very electronic 60hz screen subframe color colour display graphics


  • CrystalQuasar99
    2nd Mar 2017
    put a nuke somewhere, sometimes it fills yo entire screen with...stuff...
  • Foobadoo
    1st Mar 2017
    Joke's on you, I have a 75Hz monitor!
  • TheNik
    1st Mar 2017
    Let me shamelessly exploit this opportunity to ask, do you know any good saves teaching subframe tech? I found a bunch of forum tutorials and a save by LBPHacker, but I like to have examples to try, and one save is not enough to understand it yet...
  • blackantimatter
    1st Mar 2017
    This is plain awesome. Never seen a screen that's faster
  • mark2222
    1st Mar 2017
    @neved1 Yep. Actually, the throwaway "VRAM" (I realised it's not really a VRAM) sets not just the colour, but also the pattern to be drawn on the screen. Specifically, only the leftmost column is used to set the colour.
  • neved1
    1st Mar 2017
    colors are chosen by the throw away Vram, that little colored strip when broken stops the computer :)
  • TheNik
    1st Mar 2017
    Schmolendevice: I believe I need to understand subframe technology to fully understand the meaning of what you said, but I think I got the essence. What I said about the genetic algorithm was, of course, a joke meant to illustrate what humanity is doing right now in my opinion, and not really adressed at you or anyone else.
  • Schmolendevice
    1st Mar 2017
    @zaccybot2 Yes, first year programming for first term. @TheNike I personally like my designs being a nice, organized and colour coded compaction than an organic soup of FILT. There are certain design ideals that make subframe development an exquisite puzzle. Say, ensuring that not a single pixel is wasted, maximizing the number of conductors updated per CONV unit or squeezing every bit of functionality from each pixel (through layering and positioning).
  • TheNik
    1st Mar 2017
    Schmolendevice: One day you'll write a TPT mod implementing a genetic algorithm, which will evolve subframe computers automatically, without any human interference. And this will be the day when subframe tech dies as nobody has to do it by hand anymore.
  • zaccybot2
    28th Feb 2017
    It like a course on C++ or something?