13th Mar 2017
20th Mar 2017
Create your own Nation to compete! Comment: "[Name], [Preferred Color], [Nation wiki save ID], [Location]" (More information about "Nation wiki ID" inside)
Royaltia is now Victor Rank
Corvincia is now Victor Rank
New Sciencia is now Victor rank
Oh ok cool, if so then can I have a castle and town in that empty space? :)
Kav-Koz is now Learned Rank
Royaltia is now Politic Rank
Corvincia is now Politic Rank
New Sciencia is now Politic Rank
Also remember you can building roads away from your border depending on your rank.
thechubbyhusky: Any. You can build any amount of castles, towns etc as long as it is somewhat realistic and not clearly overdone.