7 / 4
15th Apr 2017
15th Jun 2017
NOT BY ME| There are 5 players max. You have to choose a team in comments and you say in comments your actions. (Example: I send nukes to Russia) Or you take over places, it's kinda like Country games or Nation-wide.
nation wide nationwide europe empire invasion


  • romshawa2
    6th May 2017
    i send a bunch of japanese guys to sweden
  • REALkittyAndCats
    6th May 2017
    I take more of Italy
  • Bossatronn
    6th May 2017
    I accept Arab's offer and push into russia
  • REALkittyAndCats
    5th May 2017
    I start going into Italy
  • TheLongGuy
    4th May 2017
    (For UK and Poland) Give me all my territory back and I dont will invade you! (For Poland) Give me all my territory back and maybe I will help you against Russia,only defend (For UK) Give me Ireland or I will take it from the force
  • TheLongGuy
    4th May 2017
    I start to retake my territory from all the countries that have it!
  • TheLongGuy
    3rd May 2017
  • TheLongGuy
    3rd May 2017
    Also I start to develop exoeskeletons and drones (small one) for 2 purposes,help the soldiers (It will be equipped with weapons and soldiers with exoeskeletons have specials helmets that allow them see what the drones are seeing) and to help rescuers find the people
  • TheLongGuy
    3rd May 2017
    I start to create carity programs on my country,for put out the first and repair the damages
  • REALkittyAndCats
    3rd May 2017
    You cross the burning and deep crater of the meteor, as I send help to put out the fires and repair the damage, I also help you get your territory back.