100 / 6
21st May 2017
24th May 2017
Ive never seen any controlled real fusion reactor w.out DMND or cheaty materials. mine is fully destroyable and self-sustaining. of course you can regulate and make it explode but theres a security system that prevents any fail from exploding everywhere.
reactor cute uranium bagels very selfdestruct dankage tokamak fusion blood


  • AndrewPoint3
    25th May 2017
    Freeze powder i mean.
  • AndrewPoint3
    25th May 2017
    You should use Ice (Deut/Hygn/Oxgn)
  • Dragaming
    25th May 2017
    Wow, had this on and accidentally forgot to turn it off and left it for half an hour. Still working fine when I came back! +1
  • tptquantum
    25th May 2017
    @Bender_ Can you use FRZW for cooling or you consider it cheaty?
  • JusticeFighter
    25th May 2017
    @Bender_: Fair enough. Have fun designing the cooling system! I'd propose an elec-cooled deut cycle, where you have a huge cooling array shooting elec (of any temperature) into deut that is then decompressed to about 300K before contact with the core to achieve a cooling effect. Could be too slow though.
  • mrlinux12321
    25th May 2017
    Excellent, +1 -- my advice is to ditch the "cooling" as it works without it. Maybe replace it with a steam turbine to generate power.
  • Angeleyes18
    25th May 2017
    try using VIBR with life set to 600000
  • Bender_
    24th May 2017
    I can't "create" LN2 or C5 or even CFLM as they disappear once they warm up
  • REALkittyAndCats
    24th May 2017
    or you can do LN2, or C5
  • Bender_
    24th May 2017
    Timothy -> semi conductors melt really fast tptquantum -> useless LOXY is not enough but I'll try to do something