"G" corresponds to `XCHG immediate,ip`, so if you enter a character followed by G, it will jump to that character's ascii code. However, in order for this to be executed, you'd have to overwrite everything after the name entry, so jumping to the ending wouldn't be possible.
Actually I guess you could do `XCHG something,ip` which might work, I'm not sure.
You technically can't use the buffer overflow glitch to jump to the ending, since you'd end up overwriting the ending code first. Also you won't be able to insert any instructions other than `XCHG immediate,register` which is a NOP since immediate values are read-only
@QuanTech you cant change the IP.all you can do is overwriting code/data to execute your own instructions.
@dodo_hacker let's overwrite IP register!
Well, even the simplest programs have their bugs. I executed an buffer overflow on the name input. :) If I could send arbitrary code from the "keyboard", I could insert my own code. #h@ck3d
Great computer... Sad that i'm not intelligent and patient enough to make such a thing.
id:2149495 can i publish it?
Improvements: added colors, you can now use backspace in the name entry, text display is like 5x faster, added credits, improved scoring system.